A typical drink in Hanoi – “Cà phê Trứng”

As a coffee lover, I have tried to many different kind of coffee all over the world however the best one in my mind and I did not choice any second throughts in my favorist drink list, it is Egg Coffee.

An Egg Coffee ( cà phê trứng) is a Vietnamsese drink which is traditionally prepared with egg yolks, surgar, condensed milk and Robusta coffee. The dink is made by beating egg yolks with sugar and coffee, then extracting the coffee into the half of the cup, followed by a similar amount of egg cream, which is prepared by heating and beating the yolks. The cup is served inside a bowl of hot water to retain its temprature. You can find a noumerouse of coffee when visit Hanoi especially in Oldquater but the most famouse coffee I prefer and would like to recommend is Ca Phe Giang.

It is not a huge café, mordern and fancy like the ones that are popping out the street of Hanoi. You can fell the atmosphere of home and cozy when you are here. It is quite difficulty locating it since the place is hidden small lane on Nguyen Huu Huan Street in the city Old quarter. It is a narrow path getting inside the café. The lights were a bit dim, it was really a family owned café and not really the classy type.

You should really try this Egg coffee at least once in your life. It was a really good experience. Depend on your wish, you can chose either hot coffee or coffee with ice. Ice coffee is very frothy and smooth while hot egg coffeee is tick, creamy and sweet. Why don’t you try at both ?

Although there is a list of another drinks, egg coffee can be calles as the best one and become the best choice for Hanoi street food list. In fact, I can drink few more cups of egg coffee but I don’t want to keep myself a wake during that night!You should really try this egg coffe at least once in there life, it was a really good expereince.


Giảng Cà Phê

Ad: 39 Nguyễn Hữu Huân, Lý Thái Tổ, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việtnam

Opening hours: 7.00AM – 10.30AM

Tel: +84 9889892298


Best things to do in Kanchanaburi

Kanchanaburi is the third largest province in Thailand. The province has a lot of various landscapes. There are many mountains and there are flowing 2 main rivers through the province. Those rivers are the river Kwai Yai and the river Kway Noi. The province has also a dark history during WW2. Due to the war, there are many museums which commemorate the events that took place. There are also many rainforests and waterfalls to discover which will amaze you.

Pay your respect to the fallen ones
The Kanchanaburi war cemetery is a memorial for WW2. The people who have fought during the war are buried on this cemetery. Here you’ll find the graves of 5085 Thai fallen soldiers and 1896 Dutch fallen soldiers who gave their life for others to have a live a life of freedom. There is also a smaller cemetery where war soldiers are buried. This war cemetery is the Chungkai war cemetery and here, you’ll find the graves 1426 Thai fallen soldiers and 313 Dutch fallen soldiers. Both cemeteries are memorial sights.

Watch the rescued elephants
Elephant World Sanctuary is a non-profit organization where you’ll see elephants who have been cared for due to a handicap, sickness, abuse and many other horrible things. Here, you can gather food for the elephants, so you can help them. Furthermore, it’s also possible to stay for the night at the sanctuary.

Travel over the river Kwai
The steel bridge over the river Kwai is one of the most important landmarks of Thailand. The bridge is well-known for the battle during WW2 and several movies which show the events during the war. The damaged bridge was renovated after WW2 in 1946 and nowadays, it’s possible to walk over the bridge. The bridge is also still used for train rides so by passers who want to walk over the bridge have to be careful for trains

Temple visit in Kanchanaburi
The temples of Wat Tham Sua and Wat Tham Khao Noi are twin temples. Both temples are located on a mountain which have a view over Mae Klong Hill. The temples are actually twin temples, but the temples are very different from one another. The Wat Tham Sua is built in Buddhism style while the Wat Tham Khao Noi is built in Chinese style. Both the temples are not connected to each other, so it will challenge you reach both the temples.

Cool down at the waterfall
Go to the Say Yok Noi waterfall and see the true beauty of nature. When you visit the waterfall, you’ll see an enormous rock formation. This rock formation is 15 metres high and is all covered by flowing water of the waterfall. The area of the waterfall has also an immense biodiversity of birds and mammal. The waterfall is also home to the world’s smallest mammal “the Kittes Hog-nosed Bat”. Furthermore, there are also several caves in the surrounding area which you can explorer.


Best thing to do in Padang


Padang is the port of West Sumatra. Padang is also the largest port of West Sumatra. Because of this, Padang is a real trading city. Mostly of the goods which are traded are cinnamon, rubber, coffee, tea, cement and coal. Padang has also a very popular beach which houses a legend. During you stay in Padang, you cannot skip  the local cuisine, cause it will be a pity to be missed.

Lake Maninjau

You have to visit lake Maninjau during your stay in Padang. The has a is a stunning sight to see and there are a lot of activities which you can do. Just try fishing and catch a big one, go for dinner with a romantically atmosphere due to the beautiful sunset or enjoy the view of the lake by just looking to it. The lake is just like a mirror which don’t make you feel bored due to the ever changing sky which will be reflected by the lake.

Travel to China in just one day

You are reading it right. You can get in one day a full-china-experience! Visit China town in Padang and be surrounded by a totally different atmosphere which you get from the Indonesian culture. During your visit, you must see the Chinese temple of China town. This is the landmark of China town itself, so you haven’t been there if you haven’t visited the temple. The surrounding area of China town doesn’t have many restaurants which means that you have to try the local food if you want to eat something, but that’s not a problem because the local food is delicious and really cheap.

Enjoy your day on Air Manis Beach

Have you ever heard of the legend of Manis Beach? The locals say that once upon a time there was a rebellious boy. Hey was always against his mother, even when the mother tried to be the best for his son. And then god decided to turn the boy into stone as punishment for his behaviour. Can you find the boy of stone on the beach? The beach is also perfect for relaxing and enjoying the sunset. The sunset which you see on the beach is also the second reason why this beach is so famous. Do we see you at Air Manis Beach?

Visit the Pagaruyung Palace

This Palace is one of the most famous historic object in West – Sumatra. The original palace is actual burned, but the palace have enough cultural value to rebuild it. Nowadays the palace has also a different location. The first palace was built on the peak of Pagaruyung’s Batu Patah hill. Nowadays, the palace is located to the south where the first temple stood. You have to visit the palace, cause it brings you back in time.

Try the local cuisine

During your stay in Padang, you cannot miss out the local cuisine. One thing you have to try is Rendang. Rendang is curry and beef. The chef cooks for you the curry and beef up to 8 hours to give its signature black colour. During the time the curry get prepared, the chef is also caramelizing some coconut milk to add to the dish. The dish has also different variations with chicken and vegetables, so everyone can eat it.